Bachelorette karaoke.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Oh man. Last night was my good friend Amanda's bachelorette party and things got beautifully silly. We had a great group of gals and went through MANY bottles of wine. I sang my first karaoke (Maxwells Silver Hammer by The Beatles, because nothing says party like a song about murder). My head doesn't thank me today, but it was an absolute blast. 

Amanda got a magnificent crown of male genitalia complete with a pornographic bouquet. 

I tried on the work of art. It had birds, sparklers, and was made from the cardboard from a sausage package. Amazing. 

Oh, what a night. 

Ramble on.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happy Wednesday. Time for a series of short sentences. 

The weather is beautiful. I've had Bike Shop two days in a row. It's my good friend Amanda's bachelorette party tonight. I took tomorrow off so I can work on a book commission. Both my grandmothers text now, and their messages are adorable. 

I'm currently watching the front desk for the receptionist and there is a sweet elderly couple having a picnic. 

Nothing but good things are surrounding me. 


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Currently oil pulling.
Like, it's swishing around in my mouth right now.
20 minutes is a long time.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

We finally got to see Grand Budapest Hotel! After dinner at the Bike Shop, we got fabulous margaritas (honey rosemary AND strawberry basil, yuuuuuum!) to-go, snagged the recliners at the Crescent, and plopped to enjoy a much needed Wes Anderson flick.


I'm a lucky lady.


Thursday, April 03, 2014





blurs and fleurs

Thursday, April 03, 2014

I love spring (minus the allergies).
Sad note, I think I need my eyes checked, I'm having trouble seeing if an image is in focus.

Is this getting old?!


Thursday, April 03, 2014

 So busy. 
Sometimes I miss school. Sometimes I miss scanning my cat for projects.
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