Eeeeeep, online shopping, you got me again. The Urban Outfitters Sale section tends to catch my eye quite often, and this time it really paid off! I've been searching for bedroom curtains for ermmm, a year and a half? It's been a while. I've been looking for something semi neutral, with some sort of pattern, in gray, and NOT too expensive - and it's proven a challenge. These bad boys were 12.99 a panel! Score. While I was there, I stumbled across this fancy, schmancy little wallet for 4.99. My current wallet is falling apart, and I feel like this one will be super easy to find in my purse. Even though I always wear a tiny purse, my wallet proves impossible to snag in a hurry. Last, but not least, I'm a sucker for a moon print, and this lunar calendar does it for me. I have the perfect place for it, over Skodapops desk. Things are finally starting to come together around the apartment. It really takes forever for me to decorate, I'm incredibly indecisive. My poor roommates.
Annnnd my shoes should come this week! I ordered them a while ago, majorly on sale, and they are FINALLY on the way! It's going to be a good mail week.
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